Posts from "2014"
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 4)
God promised to give Israel a good land called Canaan. Poised at its edge, Moses sent spies into Canaan. Two spies believed God and wanted Israel to go in and take the land. Ten spies disbelieved God and gave a cowardly report.
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 3)
"And all the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron" (Num 14:2).
Sin and the Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 2)
In our last post, we uncovered some eternal gospel truths out of Numbers Chapter 12. We come now to Chapter 13, where we read of Moses sending spies into the land of Canaan (The Promised Land).
Sin and The Gospel by the Numbers (Pt 1)
I've taken on the task of reading through the Bible in the last six months of this year. Typically I read through the Word each year, but spent the first half of this year doing a somewhat different reading plan. But decided to now go back and sweep through God's Book in 6 months, which has me currently in the Book of Numbers.
Academic Freedom . . . Ah the Stench of Liberal Liberty!
Bowdoin College in Maine has joined the slowly-but-surely expanding list of institutions of higher learning that now define "freedom" in terms of tyranny and tolerance (so-called).
In Gratitude for Men
"I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one" (Ezekiel 22:30).
Courage - Then and Now
June 6, 1944. D-Day.
Women and Their Homes
Proverbs 14:1...a wise woman builds her home but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
Why Do We Say, "Happy Memorial Day?"
Hundreds of thousands of mostly men, and some women, have died in combat on behalf of the United States of America. And, many brave men risked their lives and fortunes just to even try this experiment in world history that we call "America."
Knowing God
A friend of mind recently asked me how she could more effectively teach her children who God is, while reinforcing the importance of really knowing Him. A more important question could hardly be asked! So, here's my response to her, which I pray will prove useful to others raising and teaching children: