Signs of Backsliding

A friend posted this to his FB page recently, and I thought it was well worth sharing.  Adapted from the Puritan Richard Owen Roberts, here are "20 Signs You May Be Backsliding."

  1. Prayer ceases to be a vital part of your life.
  2. The quest for biblical truth ceases.
  3. Biblical knowledge is not applied inwardly.
  4. Thoughts are predominantly earthly and not heavenward.
  5. The church service loses its delight.
  6. Spiritual discussions are a source of embarrassment.
  7. More time is devoted to recreation and entertainment than the Word and prayer.
  8. Sins can be committed without any violation of the conscience.
  9. Aspirations for Christ-like holiness cease to dominate your life and thinking.
  10. Your mind is focused on the acquisition of money and goods.
  11. Religious songs can be mouthed without engaging the heart.
  12. When hearing the Lord's Name taken in vain, you are not moved to indignation.
  13. Watching degrading movies becomes entertaining and acceptable.
  14. Breaches of peace in the church are of no concern.
  15. The slightest excuse keeps you from your spiritual duties.
  16. The lack of spiritual power is met with contentment.
  17. Personal sins are pardoned by a belief that the Lord understands.
  18. An adjustment to the world is made with ease.
  19. Nothing is done to relieve the misery and suffering which exists around you.
  20. There is no concern for the lost or sharing the gospel.

How are you doing, dear Christian?  May others be able to say of us:

"But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation" (Heb 6:9).

by Keith McWhorter