Signs of Backsliding
Sep 01, 2010
Keith McWhorter
filed in The Church
A friend posted this to his FB page recently, and I thought it was well worth sharing. Adapted from the Puritan Richard Owen Roberts, here are "20 Signs You May Be Backsliding."
- Prayer ceases to be a vital part of your life.
- The quest for biblical truth ceases.
- Biblical knowledge is not applied inwardly.
- Thoughts are predominantly earthly and not heavenward.
- The church service loses its delight.
- Spiritual discussions are a source of embarrassment.
- More time is devoted to recreation and entertainment than the Word and prayer.
- Sins can be committed without any violation of the conscience.
- Aspirations for Christ-like holiness cease to dominate your life and thinking.
- Your mind is focused on the acquisition of money and goods.
- Religious songs can be mouthed without engaging the heart.
- When hearing the Lord's Name taken in vain, you are not moved to indignation.
- Watching degrading movies becomes entertaining and acceptable.
- Breaches of peace in the church are of no concern.
- The slightest excuse keeps you from your spiritual duties.
- The lack of spiritual power is met with contentment.
- Personal sins are pardoned by a belief that the Lord understands.
- An adjustment to the world is made with ease.
- Nothing is done to relieve the misery and suffering which exists around you.
- There is no concern for the lost or sharing the gospel.
How are you doing, dear Christian? May others be able to say of us:
"But, beloved, we are convinced of better things concerning you, and things that accompany salvation" (Heb 6:9).
by Keith McWhorter