Star Wars - Episode VII
Just went to see the latest Star Wars installment yesterday. Really enjoyed it. It picked up on the themes of the "real" Star Wars of my childhood in the 70s and 80s. Hans Solo and Chewie and Leia returned! What's not to love? I really struggled to enjoy the three "back story" episodes. Seemed somewhat disconnected and truthfully I didn't think any of those three lived up to the "original" three (which for me is Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and The Return of the Jedi). But this most recent installment was well done and took me back to familiar territory.
Although this whole series of movies is thick with Hindu and New Age theology, it is not my intent to rehash all that here. Rather, what struck me about this latest and greatest of the ongoing (and perhaps never-ending) saga, is how so many "true fans" insisted on watching all six previous episodes before going to see this one.
They wanted to brush up on the whole story. Make sure they got the big picture, so as to know where this most recent piece of the puzzle fits. And that's the beauty of this whole Star Wars thing. It's one big story. Even if I cannot seem to put it all together yet, I'm assured by true fans it's a unified whole.
Hmmm. Sounds a lot like the Bible to me. I wonder how many believers in Christ spent hours and hours reading the Star Wars books and watching all six episodes in recent weeks, but they simply will not commit to reading through their Bibles in 2016? I wonder how many Christian parents encouraged their children to read the Star Wars books and watch all the movies but think it's unreasonable for those same kids to read 4 chapters of God's Word each day in 2016?
I wonder.
God help us! We're missing the Big Picture. And it's so much more glorious than Star Wars. Several times in this latest episode I heard comments about the presence of a Jedi keeping "the force in balance." That's the best Star Wars offers? Yin and yang? Oh friends, I know a unified story-line far better!
Forget balance. Trash yin and yang. I want a Warrior-Redeemer-Savior-King and Lord to vanquish all evil and banish it from us forever. Want to read the Greatest Story Ever Told? Click here are some reading plan options for you:
by Keith McWhorter