Swim at Your Own Risk! Sharks in the Water!
I hardly recognize the country I served honorably as a United States Marine (1995-2000). I hardly recognize the military of my beloved country, for that matter! What in the world is going on?
A few weeks ago, Italian designers Dolce & Gabbana made some comments to reporters concerning their view of family and children. These two designers are openly practicing the homosexual lifestyle and were once a couple. Yet, they went on record supporting the traditional family (a dad and mom present in the home) as being best for children. Gasp! And they do not support gay couples adopting children. Double gasp!! Read more Here.
Where did they get such a notion? Well, probably not from the Bible, but perhaps from some common sense backed by lots of sociological research. Maybe they actually listened to some adults who were raised by gay couples who are now daring to speak out, as detailed Here.
But more shocking than Dolce & Gabbana's conservative views on family was the violent backlash among Hollywood elites, like Elton John. The name-calling and hateful insults back and forth has been hard to watch, as I do not think either Dolce or Elton or any person should be treated so unkindly.
The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins summed up the debacle well in his "Washington Update" email: "When it comes right down to it, there's nothing more threatening to the homosexual political movement than homosexual people who tell the truth."
Meanwhile, back in the Good Ole US of A, another couple seeking "gay marriage" in Ohio has decided to try and ruin a local business that dared to refuse to video their "wedding." Rather than simply seek another business to meet their desires, this couple decided to go on CNN to kick-off their campaign to destroy a local businesswomen who has been nothing but respectful to them. Read more Here.
And now in my home State of Indiana, a Freedom of Religion Law was passed that went no further than previous federal laws signed by former President Bill Clinton. And our law is no different in essence than those of 19 other states. But for reasons known only to sharks who love the scent of blood in the water, the backlash against Indiana has been huge. Company's like Angie's List are trying to bully our State into cow-towing to their radical, leftist, intolerant agenda. Even the NCAA is making threats, since the Final Four is in Indy later this week.
Well, since our institutions of higher learning caved long ago to the radical liberal agenda, and are indoctrinating our future leaders in that agenda, we really cannot be surprised, can we? Anyone who honestly studies the history of the state educational systems over the past 100 years in this country should have no doubts how we got to this point in America. Ethical relativism, the natural product of a Darwinian evolutionary worldview, has reigned supreme in the halls of elementary schools and high schools for decades now. New Common Core Standards look like they'll only make matters worse in this area. Read more Here.
Christian friends, you may be Republican, Democrat (yikes!), Independent, Whig, or Libertarian. But if you take the time to peruse the articles I have linked in this blog post, you must surely agree that our beloved Nation is losing its moral foundations and sense of true tolerance. The marketplace of free ideas in America today is becoming more like a shark infested pool. Evangelical Christians - swim at your own risk!
Is that a drop of blood I see there in the water?
Well, we might not be literally bleeding yet. But short of massive revival and spiritual awakening brought on by the Holy Spirit applying the gospel of Jesus Christ to hearts, do we seriously think the day of our bleeding is far behind? What we need is not just conservative politicians. We need gospel-driven politicians. We need gospel-saturated homes. We need Christ-exalting churches who do not love their own lives but count it joy to suffer shame for Jesus' name. Persecution is upon us, O church of America. It comes from without and within. May we be granted grace to endure with love and respect for the enemies of the cross. May we endure whatever comes our way with gospel-boldness. And may God save many more souls in America in and through the bloody waters in which we may find ourselves soon swimming.
And may our blood, should it come to that, get no glory. Like our martyred brothers and sisters around the globe, may our only boast be in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Gal 6:14).
If you want help thinking more about these things (including politics and government) from a biblical worldview, here are sites that I highly recommend:
by Keith McWhorter