The American Holocaust

For many evangelical Christians in the western world, this Sunday is "Sanctity of Human Life" Day.  It is mind-boggling and stomach-churning to consider the tens of millions of unborn babies we have wholesale slaughtered in this nation over the past four decades.  If anyone is still wondering where the Darwinian / Naturalist worldview leads, he or she needs look no further than the massive infanticide industry led by Planned Parenthood. 

The quotes from Margaret Sanger, as well as popular professor Peter Singer are well-known and by now well-published.  Sanger was clearly a racist by any stretch of the definition, yet is still lauded as a hero in some circles.  In the July 1983 edition of the journal Pediatrics, Peter Singer argues that in some instances the life of a pig has more value than the life of, say, a down syndrome baby. 

In that same article, titled "Sanctity of Life or Quality of Life," Singer wrote: "We can no longer base our ethics on the idea that human beings are a special form of creation, made in the image of God, singled out from all other animals, and alone possessing an immortal soul."  And this guy has shaped the minds of hundreds of our nations leaders as a professor at some of our more prestigious universities!   

Friends, the Nazi mentality is alive and well in this nation.  Is this really the kind of philosophy and worldview we wish to base our culture and country upon?

But my focus today is more upon the impact abortion has had, and is having upon families.  Here are some questions to fuel thought:

1) How many families have been deprived of holding that precious newborn miracle of God as she coos and squirms after feasting on warm milk?

2) What impact will the death of 40 million babies have on our nation fifty years from now?  We have annihilated an entire generation of Americans!  Economic impact will be certain, but more importantly than that, I wonder how many Einstein's, Mozart's, Billy Graham's, Ronald Reagan's, Mother Theresa's, and General Swartzkoff's we have killed off?

3) How many mothers who chose abortion now are haunted by the voice of unborn life late at night?  How many hurt deeply in silence?  How many desperately need the forgiving and healing touch of the Master, Jesus?

4) How many could-have-been Dads, who are typically given almost no say in the matter of abortion, grieve over the loss of opportunity to play ball with their boy?

So, what to do?  I offer up this prayer on behalf of all who believe we should praise the Lord, "for we are wonderfully and fearfully made" -

Oh Sovereign Lord, break our hearts for the spiritual poverty of America.  God, grant Your people in Your churches courage to call abortion the horrific sin and affront to Your holy character that it is.  God grant Your people in Your churches compassion to reach out with the love and hope of Christ to any and all who have been impacted by abortion.  God convict churches all across this land to pour their time, money and prayers into local pro-life pregnancy centers.  Lord, bring the American people to their senses, enable us to vote local, state and national leaders into office who are firmly pro-life, and help the electorate to "fire" pro-death leaders every chance they get.  Oh Lord, forgive us.  Heal us.  Grant us repentance, that Your glory might once again be restored to this people called Americans.  For the Fame of Jesus' Name, Amen.

by Keith McWhorter