Where Your Treasure Is . . .
President Obama just made public his new budget proposal. I'm not an economist. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to develop a budget for a nation as sprawling and, `rank`ly, out of control as the United States of America. Once a government program is in place, it is almost always impossible to cancel or kill it. The beast grows heads, and our federal government is Medusa on steroids!
So, I am not at all sure much of anything can ever be done about our budgetary crisis. I don't think any political party can possibly rescue us from our certain demise, as our debt and continued spending is so astronomical as to be incomprehensible to us average folk just trying to hack out a living every day.
But our certain demise is not primarily about economics. While I don't discount the critical importance of finances, either for us personally or for us nationally, the main issue always has been and always will be spiritual and ethical.
Jesus, the Son of the One True and Living God, said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Luke 12:34). In the Bible the "heart" refers to our mind (what we think or believe), our will (what we desire), and attitudes (how we view ourselves and others, and our affections (what we love). Our hearts follow our treasures. Period. So, how we spend time and energy and money and talents and what we fear and worry about reveal who and what owns our hearts. We worship our treasures, essentially.
Now at this point I just want to take a few slices of the President's budget pie to show where the heart of America is. OK? Here goes. Planned Parenthood, a horribly misnamed billion dollar murder machine, is earmarked to receive 2.86 million dollars. This despite mass fraud, unthinkable tragedies like the Gosnell clinic, and repeated undercover work exposing their encouraging 14 year old prostitutes to go tell all their friends on the street to come get unlimited abortions, thus ensuring these often enslaved women stay chained to spineless pimps. No attempts to rescue these women or report the obvious unlawfulness of everything going on in their entire world. Just so long as you keep the money flowing, we'll pick your babies apart limb-by-limb and keep our mouths shut and eyes closed to your desperate plight.
Not mention Planned Parenthood of Northern New England openly promotes bondage and sado-masochism to teens on their website. Read about it here: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-hollingsworth/planned-parenthood-produces-video-promoting-bondage-and. Our President thinks this is worthy of hundreds of millions of our dollars.
Meanwhile, the President wants to cut funds to any and all abstinence education efforts. Where is our heart, America?
Head Start seemed like a great idea back in the 1960s when it began as a governmental solution to poverty. The mission statement of this government program is: "Head Start promotes school preparation by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services."
Sounds super! Only one problem: The latest HHS Study reveals this program is an abject failure. It is not accomplishing anything it has set out to do. Read more about that HHS study here: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/01/11/hhs-study-yep-head-start-doesnt-work/
So what do we do with an obviously failed, flawed and useless government program? We increase funding! President Obama wants Head Start to get $76 billion. The whole project from its inception has cost $180 billion, but in one year, the President wants to give nearly half that again to this total loser of a program. And why does Head Start not work? Dare I say it? Maybe it's because God Almighty gave children dads and moms to raise, train, teach and educate them and pulling them out of homes as early as possible and turning them over to the government violates this Divine design?!
Where is our heart, America?
Well, it is doing exactly what Jesus said it would . . . following our treasure.
"Oh Lord . . . in wrath, remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2).
by Keith McWhorter