Will the Boys Follow the Girls?

I just read an intriguing article on the "surprising" success of the American Heritage Girls (AHG).  The organization was founded 17 years ago by Patti Garibay after she became disgruntled by the Girls Scouts of America's obvious turn towards secular-liberal and even godless causes.

First, the Girl Scouts announced flexibility in the way the term "God" could be either interpreted or omitted in their pledge.  Well, if anyone wonders where such a move leads, just consider that now the Girl Scouts of America unashamedly support the homosexual agenda, the push for gay marriage (though that whole label is a misnomer since marriage is defined by God and therefore there can never ever really be such a thing as "gay" marriage), and they funnel funds to the nation's abortion industry leader, Planned Parenthood.  This downward spiral is exactly what God says happens when people do "not honor God nor give thanks" (Romans 1:21).  The end result being "And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind" (Romans 1:28) which then leads to all sorts of evil deeds and supporting of evil causes (Romans 1:29-32).

So, apparently many Christian parents and many parents who may not be Christians but are not yet "anti-Christian" in their worldviews, flocked to AHG.  They started with 100 members spread across 10 troops in 1995, and are now in 48 states and 8 countries with 22,000 girls participating.  The AHG's mission statement is unapologetic in its support of "character development . . . for young women that embraces Christian values."  And their founder, Garibay, is quick to point out their character development curriculum is primarily the Bible!

Here is another statement from AHG defining purity: "A life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; marriage being a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman."

Seems to me this is exactly what the Girls Scouts used to be prior to demonic intrusion and influence!  A few questions linger in my mind after reading this article in the AFA Journal (March 2013).

  1. Which "lead" will the Boy Scouts follow?  They have an agreement of mutual support currently with AHG.  One wonders how long it will last!  Seems to me that unless the Boy Scouts of America amend their ways, we will soon need AHB, too!
  2. Why would Christian parents continue to place their girls into GSA?
  3. When will Christian parents and churches start creating true "community in holiness" so that we do not need so many organizations outside the church trying to fill these gaps for our kids?

Finally, I wonder, is it wrong of me to wonder when American Heritage Girls will start selling cookies?  Please, if there are any AHG leaders listening, have mercy!  I hate having to tell the girls at the table outside Wal-Mart that even though I relish thin mints and Samoa's perhaps more than any other snacks available, I simply cannot and will not give money to the evil agenda of their organization.

by Keith McWhorter