Your dog or your neighbor?
Ray Comfort has a new DVD titled "Evolution v. God" It is typical, solid stuff that we have come to expect from our brother Ray. I would encourage you to purchase the DVD or watch it on the web Here. Then share it with others and show it to others.
In the DVD, Ray interviews various college students and professors on campuses in California. He asks them very simple questions, such as "Can you give me one observable example of one kind of animal becoming another kind of animal?" Typically the answer is stunned silence. But a few professors try their hand at it and end up giving examples of animal adaptation (or micro-evolution), not macro-evolution on the scale required for Darwin's hypothesis to be true. One example is a bacteria acquiring new abilities to do certain things, but of course, as Ray points out, it is still bacteria!
While I found the banter between Ray and these very well-educated believers in evolution informative and amusing, the thing that disturbed me most was when Ray got around to exposing the ethical results of people believing evolution theory to be true.
Ray asks at one point: "If you saw your dog and your next door neighbor both drowning in a pool which would you save first?"
Several students hesitate, which in itself is disturbing. Some wrestle mightily with it. One guy asks, "Is anybody looking?" And some of these smart people are honest enough to say they would definitely rescue their dog before the human being. Keep in mind these are the future leaders of America.
Well, oddly enough a poll revealed on the CBS Morning Show this very morning reported that 60% of Americans polled said they would save their dog from drowning rather than save a foreigner. How they would identify that person as a foreigner, who knows? And does this imply they would save an American before their dog, but not a Canadian or Mexican?
God help us! Do we really wonder why we still abort several thousand babies a day in this country? Ideas have consequences, dear friends, and I am not sure how much longer this nation can bear up under the consequences of Darwinian evolution.
In Psalm 115, the Lord tells us that "Those who make them [idols or false gods] will become like them." We become like our god(s), plain and simple. And this idea of evolution and Big Bangs and godlessness has done precisely this - it has made us like what we idolize and worship. Darwin said and most college professors of science still say we are nothing more than an accidental animal. And so we have truly become just like accidental animals in our thinking and living.
So, what to do?
- Seriously read your kids' textbooks if they are in public schools. There is no such thing as a state-run school where children are not being indoctrinated in the worldview of Darwinian evolution. Counter every lie with God's Word. Equip your children to spot the lies, expose the lies, and challenge the inconsistency of the lies.
- Think twice before giving tens of thousands of your dollars to an institution of higher learning where atheistic professors poison the minds of future leaders. When you pay tuition, you pay their salaries.
- If you have children in public schools, start a campaign to allow Intelligent Design curricula to be taught alongside the evolutionary textbooks. It is not unscientific, as opponents claim. It is very good science that follows the actual evidence where it leads - to the Creator. Expect grand resistance to this campaign. But is it worth the effort?
- Petition school libraries to include scholarly journals and magazines from Creation Research Institute or Answers in Genesis or Intelligent Design organizations. Again, expect resistance. Write letters. Make calls. Insist children be given access to all the data so they can make assessments and decisions on their own. This is educational freedom!
- Send your children to private schools or home school them. I prefer this option to the others, but do think we desperately need both happening in mass around our nation.
Bottom line - until parents care this will not stop. And if this does not stop, the final results will be catastrophic.
"When lust has conceived, it brings forth sin. And when sin is brought to completion, it brings forth death" (James 1:15).
by Keith McWhorter