Welcome to Corydon Baptist Church!
We are so glad that you are interested in our church. This should give you an idea of what to expect if you join us on a Sunday morning as well as give you an oveview of how we "do life together" at CBC.
What is the Gospel?
Sunday Morning
When Should I be there?
Our Worship Service begins at 10:45 AM
If you also want to join us for Sunday School, plan to be here at 9:30AM.
How Do I Get There?
Please use this map for directions.
How Long Is The Service?
Our Sunday Morning worship is usually about 90 minutes long.
Is There Childcare?
CBC Kids is open during the Sunday School hour (9:30-10:30AM), but is not available during the Worship Service at 10:45AM. We do, however, have the nursery (ages newborn-2 yr) open during the Worship Service. Visit the Welcome Table at the main entrance or ask someone from our Welcome Team for information on how to check your child in.
For more info, click here.
How Should I Dress?
Come as you are. We don't expect you to wear a suit and tie or a fancy dress at CBC. We're just glad you're here.
Will I Be Singled Out?
No. We won't ask you to stand and introduce yourself or anything like that. We would be honored, however, if you would give us some basic information at our Welcome Desk.
Will I Be Pressured To Give Money?
We never expect guests to give. We do have a time of giving during the service. During this time, CBC members give as an act of worship. These offerings further many missions causes that we are currently involved in and keeps other basic operations running.
What Are The Sermons Like?
Maybe the best way to understand what our sermons are like is to just listen to one yourself. We preach verse-by-verse, book-by-book, because we believe God's word is the means God uses to make us like Him.
What Is The Music Like?
The music at CBC is intentionally mixed to reflect the diverse age groups and backgrounds of the family at CBC. Each service, songs are picked to be gospel-centered and theologically rich, as well as singable and relatable to the family at CBC. We lead with a variety of instruments and styles both old and new. That being said, the style of our worship is generally similar to artists like Sovereign Grace Music and City Alight.
You can also check out this playlist of songs we are currently singing.
Do You Have Small Groups?
Yes! We believe that we follow Jesus best when we follow Jesus together. Click here for more info.